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Avui tenim 51 ofertes

Product Manager

Product Manager
B2B, Discovery, Start-up, Scale-up
Farma - SaaS B2B
Fa 7 mesos
Persona de contacte
t. 638 405 476
Persona de contacte

From Q-tech we are collaborating with a Pharma tech company that offers a B2B solution to ensure that the Supply Chain complies with all the regulatory part, allowing manufacturers to connect with the different suppliers and request the audit.


They are in full growth and in a key moment to find new complementary business models to scale even more exponentially.


We are looking for a Product Manager profile that will contribute to the discovery of new opportunities, reporting directly to the CTO/CPO.

What will be your responsibilities? 

- Conduct interviews 

- Creating hypotheses around optimizations and new features; writing user stories; analyzing metrics. 

- Coordination and support with other departments (Marketing and Development). 

- Market and competitor monitoring.

Requisits bàsics

What are we looking for?


- At least 4 years of experience as Product Manager/Product Owner. 

- Previous experience in Start-Up/Scale-Up/B2B environment. 

- Experience in Product Marketing 

- Experience in analytics and customer discovery 

- Fluent in English


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