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Avui tenim 51 ofertes

Junior Devops

Junior Devops
AWS, Docker, Terraform
Fa 3 mesos
Persona de contacte
t. 669 77 44 46
Persona de contacte

We are on the lookout for a Junior Devops to enroll one of the most thrilling projects in the european tech landscape. You will work in a company leader worldwide in their market, working with top notch techonologies and surrounded by the best team, eager to keep growing and have fun!


Our client is a globally regarded engineering company, leader in this domain. They create bespoke technical tools for several practical applications (industrial automation, chemical depuration, 3d modelling..) They run as well its own E-commerce B2B platform, with which its clients are able to customize their products according to their business needs.


Find below the wish list. Despite not being mandatory to meet all the requirements, the more you handle, the more chances you'll have to get on board!





Help design and run our client's infrastructure in public cloud.

Actively contributing to their software development lifecycle (PHP, Go, NodeJS, Python)

Set up and keep automate test environments running smoothly

Build docker images, as well as orchestrate their platform through Kubernetes

Requisits bàsics

+2 years of experience

Good understanding of software development lifecycle and experience working alongside develpoment teams, whom you will be supporting

Previous experience with public cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure)

Python, Shell or Bash (Automation oriented mindset)

English speaking level.

Good Communication Skills

Knowledgeable in CD/CI concepts and processes


Requisits desitjats

Knowledgeable in CD/CI concepts and processes

Previous experience with Vagrant

Experience with Saltstack, Ansible

Experience with provisioning tools (Puppet, Chef, Terraform, Ansible)


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