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Avui tenim 51 ofertes

Android Developer

Android Developer
Android, Kotlin, Java, SDK
Fa 5 mesos
Persona de contacte
t. +34 683 70 12 54
Persona de contacte

For one of our clients, we are looking for an Android Developer with experience in the full development cycle of mobile apps and sdks, who want to be part of their business project.


If you want to continue your professional development and growth in a company in full expansion, with a young team and a very dynamic environment, this is for you!


  • Architect, implement, test, and deploy features for native Android mobile applications and SDKs.
  • Adopting and creating software engineering best practices.
  • Update and refactor the existing apps/libraries (from java to kotlin)
  • Stay current on Android mobile design and architectural patterns.
  • Report directly to their head of technology.
  • Balance speed and quality, with a focus on tangible results.


  • Flexible hours and remote work schema.
  • Cool and dynamic work environment.
  • 23 vacation days.
Requisits bàsics
  • + 4 years’ experience in developing native Android applications using Kotlin/Java.
  • Experience in release management and distribution, including deployment on Google Play.
  • Proficiency in software design patterns and architectures such as MVC, MVVM, etc.
  • Knowledge of the latest trends and technologies such as Android Jetpack, Kotlin Coroutines, and Android Architecture Components will be highly regarded.
  • Team player, thrive on challenges, possess analytical and creative skills, and can generate innovative proposals.
  • We are looking for passionate programmers who prioritize code quality and adhere to best practices, including standards compliance and maintaining clean and simple code.


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